LiveChatTawkTo by tcnet

Implements the live chat service from

Live Chat

GitHub GitHub last commit

This module for ProcessWire implements the website live chat service from Actually the module doesn't have to do much. It just need to inserted a few lines of JavaScript just before the closing body tag </body> on each side. However, the module offers additional options to display the widget only on certain pages.

Create an account

Visit and create an account. It's free! At some point you will reach a page where you can copy the required JavaScript-code.

"Copy the JavaScript-code"

Open the module settings and paste the JavaScript-code into the field as shown below. Click "Submit" and that's all.

"Paste the JavaScript-code"

Open the module settings

The settings for this module are located int the menu Modules=>Configure=>LiveChatTawkTo.

"Open the module settings"

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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