ProcessWire Knowledge Base site profile
Rudimentary site profile for CMS/CMF ProcessWire in early development. In contrast to most established wiki/knowledge base solutions wiki-articles are set in a hierarchical way.
Before running the installer of ProcessWire copy/replace
with the folders from this repo.
- ProcessWire 2.4
It's not possible to export user roles with ProcessWire's Site Export Module this profiles templates are checking just whether they are accessed by an anonymous or logged in user.
- Tagging of wiki-articles
- Set articles to globally sticky ( = for all users)
- Personal bookmarking of articles for logged in users
- When using markdown to author wiki-articles, code highlighting via highlightjs
Included modules
In need for a light knowledge base software and not happy with solutions such as MediaWiki, Dokuwiki or Confluence I decided to build such a tool based on ProcessWire. At the moment this profile is lacking of features, but doing well in the context it is created for - a somewhat protected simple knowledge base for internal use.
Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.