IcsGenerator by thausmann

This module can generate ICS files.


The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files for ProcessWire.

Add data to the events property (WireArray) for one or more events.


Basic example

// get the module
$icsgen = wire()->modules->IcsGenerator;

// create a new event using date strings
// using WireData for easier manipulation later
$myEvent = new WireData([
    'summary' => 'Christmas 2033',
    'dtstart' => '2033-12-24 18:00',
    'dtend' => '2033-12-24 22:00',
    'location' => 'North pole',
    'url' => 'https://san.ta',
    'description' => 'Ho ho ho',

// add to events

// get ICS string
$str = $icsgen->getString();

// get path to a temporary .ics file
// using wire()->files->tempDir
$path = $icsgen->getFile();


  • All dates are expected to be a PHP DateTime object or a string.
  • Date strings will be passed to DateTime constructor.
  • Final output will be converted to UTC (Z timestamp)
// using DateTime
    'dtstart' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 12:00'),
    'dtend'   => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 14:00'),
    'summary' => 'Event title',

All properties

// all supported properties
    'uid' => 'custom-entry-id',
    'summary' => 'Event Title 2',
    'description' => 'This is a weekly meeting to discuss current projects and priorities. We will also review any new developments or updates. Please come prepared with any updates or questions you may have.',
    'dtstart' => '2033-12-24 14:00',
    'dtend' => '2033-12-24 16:00',
    // duration: string (ISO.8601.2004), alternative to dtend
    // 'duration' => 'PT2H', 
    'location' => 'Mount Everest',
    'url' => 'https://test.com',
    'rrule' => 'FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10',
    'last-modified' => 'now',
    'created' => 'yesterday',
    'recurrence-id' => 'yesterday',
    'priority' => 1,
    'sequence' => 0,
    'class' => 'PUBLIC',
    'resources' => 'Projector,VCR',
    'organizer' => 'sam@example.com',
    // geo: LAT;LONG
    'geo' => '37.386013;-122.082932',
    // status: // "TENTATIVE", "CONFIRMED", "CANCELLED"
    'status' => 'CONFIRMED',
    // transp: // "TRANSPARENT", "OPAQUE"
    'transp' => 'OPAQUE',
    // X-*: will be unsanitized! There are helper functions to escape dates and strings.
    'X-anything': 'custom-value',

Mail example

// send email with ics file
$mail = wireMail();
$mail->attachment($path, 'calendar.ics');
$mail->subject('ICS Demo');
$mail->body('This is a ICS demo.');
$numSent = $mail->send();


By default, the server's php timezone will be used.

// Set a `timezone` property, that will be applied to all date strings. 
    'timezone' => new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'),
    'dtstart'  => 'now',
    'dtend'    => 'now + 60 minutes',

// Alternatively, construct DateTime with DateTimeZone
    'dtstart'  => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 12:00', new \DateTimeZone('Asia/Dubai')),
    'dtend'    => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 12:00', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris')),

// `timezone` property will be ignored when string is a unix timestamp or contains a timezone
    'dtstart'  => '@946684800',
    'dtend'    => '2010-01-28T15:00:00+02:00',

Helper functions

Code is based on https://gist.github.com/jakebellacera/635416 with some improvements.

PRs are open.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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