GithubConnect by justb3a

ProcessWire module to connect a Github OAuth application.

WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained

This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

ProcessWire GithubConnect

ProcessWire module to connect a Github OAuth application.

Generate Access Token

Register a new OAuth application

You have to create an OAuth application to get appId and appSecret. Those keys are required.
Go to Github and add a new OAuth application.
Therefore you've to fill in a redirect uri, copy it from module settings. Congrats! Now you can copy your unique Client ID and Client Secret

Fill in module settings

Fill in the following fields:

  • organization
  • Github Client ID
  • Github Client Secret

Now save module settings.
Click the Authorize! link to generate code and access token.
Now the field Github Access Token should be filled.


Usage Example

$github = $modules->get('GithubConnect');
$result = $github->getRepositoryInformations();

Set the Repository

You can set a repository initially. So you don't have to pass it every time.


  • params
    • name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)

Get Repository Informations

Get informations about a repository.


  • see Github Api (to get the complete documentation and an example response)
  • params
    • optional name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)
  • return array

Get the readme

Get informations about the README file.


  • see Github Api (to get the complete documentation and an example response)
  • params
    • optional name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)
  • return array

Get the content

Get base64 decoded content of a file.


  • params
    • result data for example from $github->getReadme($repo); (array)
  • return string

Get the readme content

Get base64 decoded content of a the README.


  • params
    • optional name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)
  • return string

Get certain file

Get informations about a certain file.

$github->getFile($filename, $repo);

  • see Github Api (to get the complete documentation and an example response)
  • params
    • filename
    • optional name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)
  • return array

Get content of certain file

Get base64 decoded content of a certain file.

$github->getContentOfAFile($filename, $repo);

  • see Github Api (to get the complete documentation and an example response)
  • params
    • filename
    • optional name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)
  • return string

List repositories for the specified org

List all repositories for an specified organization.


  • see Github Api (to get the complete documentation and an example response)
  • params
    • optional name of an organization (defaults to entry from module settings)
  • return array

Get a Tree

Get a tree of a github repository by a sha.

A sha, or "hash", is an individual change to a file or a directory. Every time you save a file with git, it creates a unique ID (a.k.a. the "SHA" or "hash") that allows you to keep record of what changes were made when and by who. Instead of a sha you can also use the name of a branch.

$github->getTree($sha, $recursive, $repo);

  • see Github Api (to get the complete documentation and an example response)
  • params
    • optional sha defaults to branch master
    • optional recursive defaults to true
    • optional name of repository, scheme: :owner/:repo (string)
  • return array

Use predefined autofill functionality

Create two templates:

  • A to get the content of the readme
  • B to get the content of a file inside a repository

Create the following fields:

identTypeassign to templatedescription
fieldSelectOptionA + BField which should be filled with Github repositories.
fieldSubSelectOptionBField which should be filled with files of a Github repository.
fieldPlainTextA + BField which should store the selected Github repository.
fieldTeaserTextareaAField which should contain the imported description content (a.k.a. teaser).
fieldBodyTextareaA + BField which should contain the imported file content.

Add the fields to the appropriate template(s). Assign the created fields in module settings.


Create the following fields:

  • repositories: Type Option
  • repository_tree: Type Option
  • repository: Type Text
  • description: Type Textarea
  • body: Type Textarea

Create two templates and assign the fields:

  • Template github-main, assign fields:
    • repositories
    • repository
    • description
    • body
  • Template github-sub, assign fields:
    • repositories
    • repositoryTree
    • repository
    • body

Fill in module settings

  • enable Backend Import Features
  • (1) choose field repositories
  • (2) choose field repository
  • (3) choose field description
  • (4) choose field body
  • (5) choose field repository_tree

Create a new page with template github-main

  • you'll get a list of all available Github repositories, choose one and click save
  • after the page has been reloaded, the following fields are filled:
    • repository: contains the chosen repository
    • description: contains the description of the repository
    • body: contains the content of the readme
  • as long as you're not choose a repository from the list again (field repositories), the content won't be changed or overwritten

Create a new page with template github-sub

  • you'll get a list of all available Github repositories, choose one and click save
  • after the page has been reloaded, the following fields are filled:
    • repository: contains the chosen repository
    • repository_tree: here you'll see a list of all files from the chosen repository
  • choose one of the files listed there and click save
  • after the page has been reloaded, the following fields are filled:
    • body: contains the content of the readme
  • as long as you're not choose a repository from the list again (field repositories) or another file (field repository_tree), the content won't be changed or overwritten

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

I just love the easy and intuitive ProcessWire API. ProcessWire rocks!” —Jens Martsch, Web developer