FilesRenameReplace by Robin S

Allows files to be renamed or replaced in Page Edit.

Files Rename Replace

A module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF. Allows files to be renamed or replaced in Page Edit.



Install the Files Rename Replace module.

If you want to limit the module to certain roles only, select the roles in the module config. If no roles are selected then any role may rename/replace files.

In Page Edit, click "Rename/Replace" for a file...


Use the text input to edit the existing name (excluding file extension).


Use the "Replace with" select to choose a replacement file from the same field. On page save the file will be replaced with the file you selected. Metadata (description, tags, custom fields, upload name) will be retained, and the filename also if the file extensions are the same.

Tip: newly uploaded files will appear in the "Replace with" select after the page has been saved.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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