Field that stores colors. Many options for Input (HTML5 Inputfield Color, Textfield with changing background, various jQuery/JS ColorPickers, custom jQuery/JS/CSS) and Output (RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, HEX). Package includes Fieldtype Color Select.


Fieldtype/Inputfield for ProcessWire 3.0

Field that stores colors. Many options for Input (HTML5 Inputfield Color, Textfield with changing background, various jQuery/JS ColorPickers, custom jQuery/JS/CSS) and Output (RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, HEX). Package includes Fieldtype Color Select.


Select between 5 types of Inputfields

  • Html5 Inputfield of type='color' (if supported by browser)
  • Inputfield type='text' expecting a 24bit hexcode string (RGB). Input format: '#4496dd'
    The background color of the input fields shows selected color
  • Inputfield of type='text' expecting 32bit hexcode strings (RGB + alpha channel) Input format: '#fa4496dd'
  • Inputfield with Spectrum Color Picker (JavaScript)
    Options modifiable
  • Inputfield type='text' with custom JavaScript and/or CSS


Define output format under Details - Tab in field settings. Select from the following options:

  • string 6-digit hex color. Example: '#4496dd'
  • string 8-digit hex color with leading Alpha channel (limited browser support). Example: '#fa4496dd'
  • string CSS color value RGB. Example: 'rgb(68, 100, 221)'
  • string CSS color value RGBA. Example: 'rgba(68, 100, 221, 0.98)'
  • string CSS color value HSL. Example: 'hsl(227, 69.2%, 56.7%)'
  • string CSS color value HSLA. Example: 'hsla(227, 69.2%, 56.7%, 0.98)'
  • string 32bit raw hex value. Example: 'fa4496dd' (unformatted output value)
  • int 32bit. Example: '4198799069' (storage value)
  • array(R,G,B)
  • array(R,G,B,Alpha)
  • array(H,S,L)
  • array(H,S,L,Alpha)
		[0] => 0-255, // opacity
		[1],['r'] => 0-255,
		[2],['g'] => 0-255,
		[3],['b'] => 0-255,
		['rx'] => 00-ff,
		['gx'] => 00-ff,
		['bx'] => 00-ff,
		['ox'] => 00-ff, // opacity
		['o'] => 0-1 // opacity

Templates & API

You can always modify values or output format via ProcessWire API.

Modify output format

$f = $page->fields->get('myColorField');
$f->outputFormat = 8;
echo $page->color['rx'];

Modify values

  • Delete the page field value by setting empty string or NULL.
  • The values (int) 0, (string) '0', '00000000' and '#00000000' are similar and stored as (int) 0 (black, full transparent).
$page->myColorField = 'ff0000'; // red


Deleting values is only possible with inputfields of type='text' and via API.

If a default value is set, the field is filled with it if the field is empty (for example on newly created pages).
If Inputfield of type='text' 32bit is selected you can set the value to '#00000000' and the default value will be ignored.

The Fieldtype includes Spectrum Color Picker by Brian Grinstead

Any custom Javascript based Inputfield can be used.

If the Inputfield is used as is e.g. for Module Settings, the following properties are provided:

$f->inputType = 0; // int 0 - 4
$f->alpha = 0; // int 0 or 1, will be set automatically dependend on inputType. To disable explicitly for inputType = 3 (spectrum color picker) set to bool false
$f->spectrum =  ''; // options for spectrum Color Picker if inputType = 3 @see

// properties for inputType = 4 only
$f->initJS = ''; // initial JS
$f->fileJS = ''; // path to JS file
$f->fileCSS = ''; // path to CSS file
$f->jqueryCore = 0; // enable jqueryCore
$f->jqueryUI = 0; // enable jqueryUI

Fieldtype Select Color Options

This fieldtype is included in the package. The module is an extension of the Core FieldtypeOptions module and offers colors as predefined selectable options via 4 different input field types (Select, SelectMultiple, Checkboxes and Radios).

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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