FieldtypeButton by kixe

Field that stores 3 values for label, target and class (CSS). Output markup configurable in field settings.


ProcessWire Module Fieldtype to easily create and edit buttons for the frontend.

The returned value is an instance of Button. Direct output provided.

Button properties

With the button object the following properties are provided:

Defined in field settings

htmlMarkup for the output. Placeholders can be used. Define placeholders by surrounding property names with curled brackets. If a property is an object use dot syntax to get subproperties.

Defined in inputfield

labelPage object if detected as internal page, default: NULL
 targetRelative paths will be translated to page (if exists). Placeholders (e.g. language home segments) can be used @see html  
 class CSS class

Generic properties

targetPagePage object if detected as internal page, default: NULL

Language specific properties

 language Language object (current user language)
 lang Language home segment
 langNonDefault Language home segment appended by a slash or empty string if default language
 langFor<homeSegment> E.g. langForEn. Language home segment appended by a slash. Provided only if user language matches, otherwise an empty string will be returned
label<languageID>E.g. label1234. Language specific button label.

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