ProcessWire Email Obfuscation (EMO)
Email Obfuscation module for email addresses with 64 base crypting
This module finds all plaintext emails and email links from the document and replaces them with noscript elements with configurable replace text. All the addresses are encoded to 64 base strings and stored in noscript data attributes. Then on client side we decode these strings back to their original state.
ProcessWire installation
Install this module using standard install procedure in ProcessWire.
Using Composer
composer require blowback/emailobfuscation
After install you can find some configurable options on module admin page.
Replace text string
Transliterable text string used as a replace to obfuscated email address.
Obfuscation mode
There is three modes available for this module to handle obfuscation.
- Obfuscate manually by using
method. - Obfuscate automatically at selected templates/pages.
- Obfuscate automatically but exclude selected templates/pages (default).
JavaScript loading method
- Load file manually.
- Load file to
array. - Append automatically to page as external script (default).
- Append automatically to page as inline script.
Force mailto
By enabling force mailto option all email addresses are rendered as mailto links regardless of their original state.
Fixed encrypt key
When enabled encryption key is locked and does not change. By default encryption key updates on every session. Fixed key is required when you cache obfuscated AJAX output for more than session lifetime.
Appends debug data to HTML and console output.
Selected Templates / Pages
List of selected templates/pages that are used to include or exclude at automatic obfuscation.
This ProcessWire module originates from MODX Evolution plugin.
Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.