Duplicate, backup and transfer an entire site from one location to another.
- The readme is being re-written.
Duplicator will create a ZIP archive called package
bundled with a full database backup and all your files.
This package is stored on local disk or in the cloud and can be used to restore your site.
You can use Duplicator to duplicate and deploy/restore your site on a new host. It can be used as backup utility.
- Download the module from the directory or Github
- Drop the module files in /site/modules/Duplicator/
- In your admin, click Modules > Refresh
- Click "install" for "Duplicator"
- Go to Setup > Duplicator and build your package!
SDK Installation (optional)
You can skip these instructions if you plan to only use the built-in features Local Folder
If you want to use GoogleDrive
or AmazonS3
, you have two choices of type of installation. Using Composer or downloading directly a ZIP archive from the repository.
Installing all SDK are not required, you can choose the one you need.
dropped support for the version 1 of the API since september 2017 - api-v1-deprecation-timeline - so I removed it from Duplicator until I got the time to code an interface for the API v2GoogleDrive
tested the 2023-03-20successfully
tested the 2017-12-03todo
Using Composer
In the root directory of your ProcessWire installation, just type in a terminal :
composer require google/apiclient
composer require aws/aws-sdk-php
ZIP Archive
After downloading the archive, open it, you will find a folder called SDKs
under each provider named directory. Extract or Upload this folder in the Duplicator module folder
. If the folder already exist, merge it. Example: /www/public_html/site/modules/Duplicator/SDKs
Download it from the Duplicator-SDKs repository.
Now you can refresh the Duplicator's settings page, the corresponding checkbox will be enabled.
Duplicator Features
Backend Permission
Permission set is duplicator
. User with this permission can initiate a backup, download or sync a package. The module's settings is only accessible to superuser
- Encryption use libsodium 1.0.18 through Halite 5.0.x or 5.1 and newer
- Version of PHP supported: PHP >= v8.x Note: performance on PHP 8.0.x is poor. You must consider using PHP 8.1.x for better performance.
Windows Install
Use vcpkg
to install libsodium:
a. ``cd vcpkg
b. .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
c. `vcpkg install libsodium`
You can find pre-built libraries there: https://download.libsodium.org/libsodium/releases/
Run on terminal:
sudo apt-get install php8.1-sodium
Once all prequisites installed, insatll Halite by running composer in the root directory:
composer require paragonie/halite:^5
CRON job
Actually you have 3 choices to setup a cron job.
System CRON
The standard way
To edit a crontab through the command line, type: cronjob -e
then add for example the following line to build a package once a day :
4 0 * * * php /www/mysite/wwwroot/site/modules/Duplicator/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
You can rely on PwCron to setup the job.
4 0 * * * php /www/mysite/wwwroot/site/modules/PwCron/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Because it's triggered by a pageview, this choice can slowdown your site - LazyCron documentation
Notes :
For Windows
Please look at this answer on stackoverflow to set up it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7195503/setting-up-a-cron-job-in-windows
Using a control panel ?
If you are running CRON via a panel, please rely on the documentation of your hosting provider. Do not hesitate to ping on the support forum thread.
Some hosting companies don’t allow access to cron
If this the case, you can rely on LazyCron module.
Example CRON delay table:
When | Settings |
Every 1 minute | */1 * * * * |
Every 15 minutes | */15 * * * * |
Every 30 minutes | */30 * * * * |
Every 1 hour | 0 * * * * |
Every 6 hours | 0 */6 * * * |
Every 12 hours | 0 */12 * * * |
Once a day | 4 0 * * * |
Once a week | 4 0 * * 0 |
Once a month | 4 0 1 * * |
Cloud Backup/Store Settings
Obtain credentials there: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
A tutorial is available on the forum : Duplicator Dev Thread
Obtain credentials there: https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home
A bucket name should conform with DNS requirements:
- Should not contain uppercase characters
- Should not contain underscores (_)
- Should be between 3 and 63 characters long
- Should not end with a dash
- Cannot contain two, adjacent periods
- Cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
Timeout usually happen if you are on a low-end budget host with limitations. The easiest way to solve this issue, is to use directory filters on some of your larger directories like your files
, vendor
, or even bower_components
directory to get the size down. Then reinstall the package at the new location and then FTP all the files over that you filtered.
Hosting Provider Issue List:
- 1and1 Shared hosting (resolved by using Filters)
- Dreamhost hosting (resolved using the
Archive Flush
option); Need to be tested again.
Thanks to all the contributors for their help and support.
Special thanks
- Duplicator's logo made by @szabeszg
- The processwire community �
Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.