An implementation of Steve Gibson's Perfect Paper Passwords (PPP) system.

CryptoPPP Library Module For Processwire

Implements Steve Gibson's PPP One-Time-Pad System along with some additional helpers.


Requires OpenSSL and bcmaths PHP extension to be installed.

Version 3.1.0 changed from the, now deprecated, mcrypt library over to using OpenSSL internally.

Generating A Single Key

Simply use $key = CryptoPPP::genKeys(); or $key = CryptoPPP::genKeys(1);

Generating Multiple Keys.

If you want 2 keys you would do $keys = CryptoPPP::genKeys(2); to get them in the $keys array or do list($k1, $k2) = CryptoPPP::genKeys(2); to assign them to named variables.

Now that you have at least one key, you can use it as the basis of generating tokens or token streams.

Converting A Key Into A Token (a strings of characters).

The simplest way to convert a key into a token of a given length and using a given output alphabet is to call the CryptoPPP::keyToToken static method. If no length or alphabet is defined a 12 character token using the default alphabet (!#%+23456789:=?@ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz) will be created from the key.

To create tokens with a format such as 'X7gM-jA9v-KtWs' where the length of the 'blocks' and the 'glue' between them are customisable you can use the related helper method CryptoPPP::keyToTokenBlocks().

Generating A Token Sequence (a One-Time-Pad) From A Key + Sequence Number.

If your application can associate an incrementing sequence number with a key, then you can use the PPP system to generate a One-Time-Pad (a stream of tokens.) This is simply done by passing the key, the sequence position, output alphabet and token length to CryptoPPP::getCode(). Once your application finishes using that token from the token stream, simply increment the sequence number ready for the next usage.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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