Textformatter modules that provide run-time formatting for blocks of text (typically used with Text/Textarea fields).
Modules 21 to 40 of 56
- TextformatterJsonDecode 0.0.1 beta by NB Communication
JSON Decode: Passes the given text through json_decode(), returning the value (if valid) as a StdClass object.
2023/06/30 — Textformatter Modules2 - TextformatterParsedownExtraPlugin 1.0.1 by Mike Rockett
Parsedown Extra Plugin: ParsedownExtraPlugin Textformatter for ProcessWire 2.8+
2019/03/09 — Textformatter Modules1 - EmailToEncryptedMailto 1.1.2 by cwsoft
Converts text emails and regular mailto links into encrypted mailto links.
2023/11/11 — Email/WireMail, Textformatter Modules10 - TextformatterIframeEmbed 0.1.1 by Teppo
Iframe Embed Text Formatter: Converts iframe URLs prefixed with "iframe/" within paragraph tags into HTML iframe elements.
2023/08/19 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation2 - TextformatterAutoLinks 0.0.8 by Ryan Cramer
Auto Links: Automatically links any of the configured text phrases to a URL, any time they appear.
2024/06/07 — Textformatter Modules, Admin Helpers2 - TextformatterCodeBlocks 1.0.2 beta by Teppo
Code Blocks Textformatter: Converts content within backticks into code blocks.
2020/08/29 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterAudioEmbed 0.1.0 beta by Teppo
Audio Embed Text Formatter: Converts audio file URLs within paragraph tags into HTML5 audio elements.
2020/07/23 — Textformatter Modules4 - TextformatterTypographer 2.0.0 by Mike Rockett
Typographer: TextformatterTypographer is a ProcessWire wrapper for the awesome PHP Typography class, originally authored by KINGdesk LLC and enhanced by Peter Putzer.
2023/07/01 — Textformatter Modules5 - TextformatterGoogleMaps 1.1.6 by Teppo
Google Maps Textformatter: Enter a full Google Maps link by itself in any paragraph and this will automatically convert it to an embedded map.
2013/06/23 — Textformatter Modules7 - TextformatterRemoveEmptyParagraphs 1.0.0 by bernhard
RemoveEmptyParagraphs: Textformatter to remove empty paragraphs from CKE fields
2020/05/02 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterPageTitleLinks 4.1.0 by MoritzLost
Automatically link page titles: This converts all page titles to a link to the corresponding page.
2020/09/04 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility, Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterSoundmanager 1.1.5 beta by macrura
Soundmanager2 Audio for Proceswire: Use file field to add audio files, use shortcode to insert into RTE.
2020/11/11 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules6 - TextformatterFileInfo 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
File Info: Textformatter that adds information about linked files as extra markup, or as data attributes on the link.
2024/02/27 — Textformatter Modules2 - TextformatterOEmbed 2.0.2 beta by felixwahner
At this point this module basically wraps the fabolous Essence PHP library by Félix Girault and adds some processwire magic to parse your boring Textareas and…
2017/03/25 — Textformatter Modules4 - TextformatterExternalRedirect 0.0.6 by BitPoet
External Link Redirect: Parses links in textareas and prepends a local redirector URL
2019/07/18 — Textformatter Modules0 - TextformatterFluidImages 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
Fluid Images Textformatter: Removes the height attribute and adds a class to img tags. Set max-width:100% for the class in your CSS and you have fluid images.
2017/11/28 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules4 - TextformatterImageInterceptor 0.9.9 by martijn-geerts
Image Interceptor: Let editors use WYSIWYG images, but change the image size/behaviour.
2014/12/27 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules11 - TextformatterPrism 2.0.0 beta by abdus
Prism Syntax Highlighter: Prism JS Syntax Highlighter
2017/04/04 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterAutoAnchor 1.1.0 by martinmuzatko
Automatically add anchors and IDs to Headings: Adds an id attribute to every heading with a slug of the text. Intended for easily creating linkable sections
2020/02/05 — Textformatter Modules9 - TextformatterGlossary 1.0.2 alpha by mr-fan
Autolink from a Glossary: Allows to use tags in textareas to autolink to specific glossary links/replacements.
2018/01/13 — Textformatter Modules0