Modules that perform some function related to media such as photos and audio/video.

  • AutoAvif 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Automatically generates AVIF files when image variations are created.
    2024/02/23 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ProcessMediaLister 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Media Lister: Lists images and files from across the site in a sortable and filterable table.
    2024/03/05 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio
  • PageimageAssistant 1.0.0 by Horst Nogajski
    Pia - Pageimage Assistant: Provide alternative methods for Pageimages (crop, contain, cover, pia) to assist with $options array. Also provide GUI screen for easy and quick changes of…
    2017/09/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImagePlaceholders 0.3.0 by daun
    Generate low-quality image placeholders (LQIP) on upload
    2023/11/22 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ProcessMediaManager 0.1.1 by kongondo
    Media Manager: Powerful centralised media management plugin enabling editors to infinitely reuse media - audio, document, image and video - across a site. Allows to easily…
    2017/08/23 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules
  • PageimageSource 1.1.2 by NB Communication
    Extends Pageimage with a srcset property/method plus additional rendering options.
    2024/04/07 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageColorThief 1.0.2 beta by Jacob Gorny
    Adds methods to extract dominant color palettes from an image or image edge.
    2023/08/11 — Photo/Video/Audio, Fieldtype Modules
  • PageimageSrcset 1.1.1 by NB Communication
    Provides configurable srcset and sizes properties/methods for Pageimage.
    2021/04/07 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • FileValidatorImage 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
    Image File Validator: Automatically validate uploaded JPG, PNG, or GIF image files; or validate by API.
    2020/07/20 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio, Other Modules, File Validator
  • WebpToJpg 0.2.0 beta by Robin S
    WEBP to JGP: Converts WEBP images to JPG on upload.
    2023/09/25 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio
  • TextformatterWebpImages 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
    Convert JPG/PNG images to WEBP: Convert JPG/PNG img tags to use WEBP, auto-creating WEBP images as needed.
    2022/06/07 — Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules
  • TextformatterVideoEmbed 2.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
    Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo: Enables translation of YouTube or Vimeo URLs to full embed codes, resulting in a viewable video in textarea fields you apply it to. Now with support for…
    2021/05/04 — Photo/Video/Audio, Social, Feeds, Services, Textformatter Modules
  • TextformatterFluidImages 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
    Fluid Images Textformatter: Removes the height attribute and adds a class to img tags. Set max-width:100% for the class in your CSS and you have fluid images.
    2017/11/28 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules
  • TextformatterLiteYouTubeEmbed 1.0.1 beta by jacmaes
    Lite YouTube Embed: Replaces plain YouTube links in a CKEditor field with Paul Irish's much faster YouTube embed script.
    2022/11/21 — Textformatter Modules, Photo/Video/Audio
  • InputfieldFlickr 1.0.0 beta by apeisa
    Flickr Inputfield: Inputfield for ProcessWire to use Flickr search and add images straight from admin UI.
    2012/07/25 — Inputfield Modules, Social, Feeds, Services, Photo/Video/Audio
  • MarkupProcesswirePhotoswipe 0.99.2 by blynx
    ProcessWire Photoswipe Gallery: Easily include Photoswipe by Dmitry Semenov
    2017/11/20 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageMegapixels 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Adds methods to Pageimage objects useful for resizing to a target megapixel value.
    2023/09/26 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • CroppableImage3 1.2.0 by Horst Nogajski
    Field that stores one or more GIF, JPG, or PNG images and support optional predefined crop functionality!
    2020/03/19 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Process Modules
  • JqueryCollagePlus 0.0.3 by Ryan Cramer
    Collage Plus: Makes the image selection from TinyMCE/CKEditor use a nice grid of images rather than stacked images.
    2013/07/23 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio
  • TextformatterSoundmanager 1.1.5 beta by macrura
    Soundmanager2 Audio for Proceswire: Use file field to add audio files, use shortcode to insert into RTE.
    2020/11/11 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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