Modules that have a unique purpose not covered by existing categories.
Modules 61 to 80 of 100
- JquerySelectize 1.0.5 by macrura
Selectize.js Plugin: Provides Selectize.js for use in ProcessWire.
2021/05/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Other Modules0 - JqueryFileUpload 0.0.9 by kongondo
ProcessWire Wrapper for jQuery File Upload Plugin.
2022/10/29 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules12 - JkPublishPages 1.3.15 beta by juergen
Publish/Unpublish pages: Publish/unpublish, delete or move pages depending on dates and times using LazyCron.
2025/01/12 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - InputfieldRecurme 1.0.1 by joshuag
Recurme - Processwire Recurring Dates Field & Custom Calendar Module: A Recurring Dates InputField for your Processwire templates. Custom frontend and admin calendars. The InputField you’ve been waiting for. Complex RRule date…
2017/05/29 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - Indexer 0.8.3 beta by ussliberty
Site Indexer: This module provide an efficent search index, also with pdf/doc files (require poppler-utils and wv). Optionally you can activate a PHP class for handling pdfs…
2025/01/21 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept, Other Modules3 - ImageBlurhash 2.0.7 beta by blue-tomato
Create Blurhash Strings during image upload
2021/06/27 — Other Modules5 - GraphQLFieldtypeMapMarker 2.0.0 beta by Dadish
GraphQL support for FieldtypeMapMarker.
2019/08/25 — Other Modules1 - GoogleClientAPI 0.0.4 beta by Ryan Cramer
Connects ProcessWire with the Google Client Library and manages authentication.
2019/07/22 — Authentication, Other Modules4 - GeoInfo 1 beta by pmichaelis
GeoInfo is a small module that Implements Geoplugin PHP web service. Please donate to "" in order to keep the service alive. The Module…
2015/02/19 — Development Tools, Other Modules7 - FrontendLoginRegister 1.3.7 by juergen
User login/registration component for ProcessWire using the FrontendForms module.
2025/02/01 — Other Modules8 - FrontEndEditLightbox 1.4.0 beta by rolandtoth
Front-End Edit Lightbox: Edit pages on the frontend using lightboxed admin.
2018/06/21 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules15 - FormTemplateProcessor 1.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Proof-of-concept module to let you use templates as web contact forms. Can send you email and/or save the submission to a page in your site. Intended to be a…
2012/07/24 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept6 - FormBuilderHtmx 1.0.1 by FireWire
Zero configuration AJAX submission for FormBuilder forms
2024/09/07 — Markup Generation, Other Modules4 - FileValidatorSvgSanitizer 0.0.5 by Ryan Cramer
Validate SVG files: Validates and/or sanitizes SVG files.
2021/08/16 — File Validator, Other Modules5 - FileValidatorImage 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
Image File Validator: Automatically validate uploaded JPG, PNG, or GIF image files; or validate by API.
2020/07/20 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio, Other Modules, File Validator5 - FieldtypeRuntimeMarkup 0.0.6 by kongondo
RuntimeMarkup: Allows rendering of custom markup within page editor and frontend via custom PHP snippet set in the field.
2019/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Other Modules20