Markup modules that are called upon to generate or parse markup (like HTML). Markup modules are most often used on the front-end of a site (rather than admin).
Modules 41 to 60 of 102
- MarkupLoadRSS 2.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
RSS Feed Loader: Given an RSS feed URL, this module will pull it, and let you foreach() it or render it. This module will also cache feeds that you retrieve with it.
2018/12/24 — Markup Generation, Import/Export, Social, Feeds, Services7 - MarkupSrcSet 0.1.2 beta by rolandtoth
Generate srcset and bgset markup.
2017/09/04 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio8 - FormHelper 0.8.7 alpha by pwfoo
FormHelper module create and process forms via form api based on page object, template file or an array of field information.
2016/09/22 — Markup Generation6 - PageQueryBoss 0.0.6 alpha by noelboss
A ProcessWire Module to build complex nested queries containing multipple fields and pages and return an array that can be parsed to JSON. This is usefull to…
2021/06/27 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Other Modules16 - TemplateEngineLatte 2.1.0 by daun
Latte templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2023/11/22 — Markup Generation, Development Tools3 - NoCookieWithoutConsent 1.1.0 by cwsoft
NoCoWoCo - No Cookie Without Consent: Disables wire frontend cookies until user consent to use required cookies.
2023/09/10 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility8 - TextformatterIframeEmbed 0.1.1 by Teppo
Iframe Embed Text Formatter: Converts iframe URLs prefixed with "iframe/" within paragraph tags into HTML iframe elements.
2023/08/19 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation1 - MarkupPlyrMediaPlayer 0.2.1 alpha by tsdtsdtsd
Plyr Media Player: This module adds the Plyr HTML5 Media Player to ProcessWire.
2015/09/28 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio2 - CachePlaceholders 1.0.1 by MoritzLost
Cacheable Placeholders: Allows you to cache dynamic content by using special placeholders that get parsed during every request.
2024/11/19 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules5 - MarkupTwitterFeed 3.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
Twitter Feed Markup Generator: Module that generates an HTML list for a Twitter feed and caches it. Use this to show a Twitter feed on your ProcessWire-powered website.
2018/12/22 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services12 - WayFathomAnalytics 0.0.3 beta by Craig Rodway
Fathom Analytics for ProcessWire. Display your Fathom dashboard in the PW admin panel and easily generate markup for the tracking code.
2024/05/03 — Logs/Monitoring, Markup Generation, Process Modules2 - InputfieldRecurme 1.0.1 by joshuag
Recurme - Processwire Recurring Dates Field & Custom Calendar Module: A Recurring Dates InputField for your Processwire templates. Custom frontend and admin calendars. The InputField you’ve been waiting for. Complex RRule date…
2017/05/29 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - MarkupActivityLog 1.0.1 beta by renobird
Activity Log: Adds an Activity Log tab to pages. Configurable to specific templates.
2015/06/04 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation7 - MarkupMenu 1.2.0 by Teppo
MarkupMenu is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for generating menu markup
2024/03/24 — Markup Generation3 - Sassify 0.0.6 beta by Rudy Affandi
Automatically compile Sass/SCSS/Compass in your ProcessWire templates
2018/12/11 — Development Tools, Markup Generation6 - TextformatterPageTitleLinks 4.1.0 by MoritzLost
Automatically link page titles: This converts all page titles to a link to the corresponding page.
2020/09/04 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility, Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterSoundmanager 1.1.5 beta by macrura
Soundmanager2 Audio for Proceswire: Use file field to add audio files, use shortcode to insert into RTE.
2020/11/11 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules6 - MarkupCrossfade 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
Full-screen cross-faded background animation module for ProcessWire CMS. Uses CSS3 key-frames and no JS.
2014/11/24 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio2 - FieldtypeGrapick 1.0.8 beta by Jacob Gorny
Grapick: Field that incorporates the Grapick javascript gradient designer and stores an array of 32-bit rgba colors, gradient positions and optionally gradient styles…
2024/01/30 — Fieldtype Modules, Markup Generation3