Inputfield modules that provide a UI input widget in the ProcessWire admin.
Modules 1 to 20 of 79
- FieldtypeFormSelect 1.0.1 by FireWire
Form Select: Select a form created via the Pro Form Builder module
2024/09/17 — Inputfield Modules, Fieldtype Modules3 - ProcessMediaManager 0.1.1 by kongondo
Media Manager: Powerful centralised media management plugin enabling editors to infinitely reuse media - audio, document, image and video - across a site. Allows to easily…
2017/08/23 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules5 - FieldtypeDecimal 1.0.1 by sforsman
Decimal: Field that stores a precision floating point (decimal) number
2014/09/29 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules16 - FieldtypeMultiplier 0.1.3 by Ryan Cramer
ProFields: Multiplier: This Fieldtype and Inputfield combination lets you take almost any existing single-value Fieldtype, and use it to a multi-value Fieldtype.
2014/06/02 — Inputfield Modules, Fieldtype Modules, Premium Modules11 - JkPublishPages 1.3.15 beta by juergen
Publish/Unpublish pages: Publish/unpublish, delete or move pages depending on dates and times using LazyCron.
2025/01/12 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - InputfieldSmallSelectMultiple 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Small Select Multiple Inputfield: A regular single select input that supports multiple selection.
2024/12/13 — Inputfield Modules5 - FieldtypeStars 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Stars: Sets a float value by selecting a star rating.
2023/02/18 — Inputfield Modules, Fieldtype Modules8 - PageTableNext 2.0.3 by Neue Rituale
The module provides a list of PageTable based content elements. It enables the backend user to easily create, publish, move, delete, copy and paste content…
2023/06/16 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules7 - FieldtypeFontIconPicker 2.0.2 by ukyo (@trk)
Module allow you to use Font-Awesome, Ionicons and other icon libraries easily. You can select icons directly from icon select list, also you can set settings…
2020/07/23 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation38 - Mystique 0.0.21 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Mystique is a config file based field creation module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF by ALTI VE BIR.
2023/01/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Other Modules29 - InputfieldFloatRange 0.0.9 by eelke
Float (Range slider): Simple and fast HTML5 input range slider, with optional precision, min/max and step settings. Works as a drop-in replacement for regular float and integer…
2024/09/05 — Inputfield Modules6 - SeoMaestro 1.1.1 beta by wanze
A ProcessWire module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss.
2022/06/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility50 - FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker 3.0.4 beta by Ivan Gretsky, mats
Leaflet Map Marker: Field that stores an address with latitude and longitude coordinates and has built-in geocoding capability with Leaflet Maps API.
2023/03/09 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules32 - InputfieldRecurme 1.0.1 by joshuag
Recurme - Processwire Recurring Dates Field & Custom Calendar Module: A Recurring Dates InputField for your Processwire templates. Custom frontend and admin calendars. The InputField you’ve been waiting for. Complex RRule date…
2017/05/29 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - FieldtypeRecurringDates 0.0.1 alpha by Eduardo San Miguel Garcia
Recurring Dates: Field that stores recurring events from a UI to define RRules.
2024/07/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules6 - FieldtypeEvents 0.0.4 by Ryan Cramer
Events Fieldtype: Field that stores a table of events for a page. This modules serves as an example of creating an editable table of data as a Fieldtype and Inputfield in…
2021/04/15 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Proof of Concept17 - FieldtypeMapMarker 3.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
Map Marker (Google Maps): This Fieldtype for ProcessWire 2.1+ holds an address or location name, and automatically geocodes the address to latitude/longitude using Google Maps API.
2023/12/29 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules68 - InputfieldEasyMDE 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
EasyMDE: EasyMDE is a Markdown editor with some nice features, allowing users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts.
2025/01/27 — Inputfield Modules3 - FieldtypeImageMarker 0.1.1 by kongondo
Image Marker: Field that stores a table of ImageMarkers for a page.
2018/01/02 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules8