Modules 1 to 31 of 31
- WireMailSwiftMailer 0.3.0 beta by Teppo
WireMail: Swift Mailer: WireMail module providing Swift Mailer integration
2022/03/22 — Email/WireMail16 - WireframeRendererTwig 0.2.0 by Teppo
Wireframe Renderer: Twig: Twig renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
2025/02/09 — Development Tools, Markup Generation1 - WireframeRendererLatte 0.0.2 beta by Teppo
Wireframe Renderer: Latte: Latte renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
2022/07/21 — Development Tools, Markup Generation2 - VersionControlForTextFields 1.3.9 by Teppo
Simplified version control for text type fields.
2013/02/24 — Admin Helpers, Logs/Monitoring16 - VersionControl 1.3.5 by Teppo
Version control features for page content.
2022/08/29 — Admin Helpers, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules54 - TextformatterIframeEmbed 0.1.1 by Teppo
Iframe Embed Text Formatter: Converts iframe URLs prefixed with "iframe/" within paragraph tags into HTML iframe elements.
2023/08/19 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation2 - TextformatterGoogleMaps 1.1.6 by Teppo
Google Maps Textformatter: Enter a full Google Maps link by itself in any paragraph and this will automatically convert it to an embedded map.
2013/06/23 — Textformatter Modules7 - TextformatterCodeBlocks 1.0.2 beta by Teppo
Code Blocks Textformatter: Converts content within backticks into code blocks.
2020/08/29 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterAudioEmbed 0.1.0 beta by Teppo
Audio Embed Text Formatter: Converts audio file URLs within paragraph tags into HTML5 audio elements.
2020/07/23 — Textformatter Modules4 - TemplateAccessLog 0.1.1 by Teppo
Logs changes made to template roles and related access settings
2023/03/18 — Logs/Monitoring, Users and Access2 - SkipInputfieldLabel 0.0.2 beta by Teppo
Adds a skipLabel config option for inputfields.
2023/10/21 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules2 - SearchEngineFileIndexer 0.0.1 beta by Teppo
SearchEngine add-on for indexing files
2022/07/30 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept1 - SearchEngine 0.38.2 by Teppo
SearchEngine is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for indexing and searching site contents.
2025/02/03 — Markup Generation, Other Modules39 - ProcessLoginHistory 1.10.4 by Teppo
Login History: This module keeps track of login attempts to your site.
2023/05/06 — Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access15 - ProcessChangelog 1.18.0 by Teppo
Changelog: This module tracks changes, additions, removals etc. of public (as in "not under admin") pages of your site.
2024/08/21 — Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules30 - PageRenderIPRestriction 0.9.0 beta by Teppo
This module adds basic capability to restrict page rendering to selected number of IP addresses.
2023/03/05 — Users and Access5 - PageRenderFindReplace 0.0.3 beta by Teppo
Page Render Find/Replace: Apply find/replace patterns to rendered page content.
2022/07/11 — Development Tools, Proof of Concept2 - MarkupMenu 1.2.0 by Teppo
MarkupMenu is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for generating menu markup
2024/03/24 — Markup Generation3 - MarkupLoadAtom 1.0.0 by Teppo
Atom Feed Loader: Given an Atom feed URL, this module will pull it, cache it, and let you foreach() it or render it.
2013/06/02 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services4 - LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access0 - InputfieldTrumbowyg 0.0.10 alpha by Teppo
Trumbowyg: Trumbowyg rich text editor (WYSIWYG) module
2014/07/06 — Inputfield Modules4 - InputfieldTextareaMarkup 1.1.1 by Teppo
Textarea Markup: Markup, plain text and optionally values from other fields as a non-editable, run-time field visible in Page Edit.
2019/07/24 — Inputfield Modules9 - HannaCodeHelper 0.5.0 beta by Teppo
Adds a helper plugin to fields with supported editor and TextformatterHannaCode enabled.
2013/10/17 — Admin Helpers6 - FormBuilderDefaultData 0.0.2 by Teppo
Set default data for newly created Form Builder forms.
2023/09/29 — Admin Helpers1 - FieldtypePageIDs 0.12.0 by Teppo
Page IDs: Fieldtype that stores Page IDs
2019/05/20 — Fieldtype Modules5 - AdminRestrictBranchSelect 0.4.0 beta by Teppo
ProcessWire module for adding branch select support for Admin Restrict Branch.
2022/04/17 — Admin Helpers3
The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.