Auth2FactorPPP by Netcarver

Adds 2 factor login to PW using the PPP One-Time-Pad System.

PPP 2-Factor Authentication For ProcessWire

An implementation of Steve Gibson's Perfect Paper Passwords (PPP) system.

PPP is a one-time-pad cryptographic system that allows easy provision of 2-factor authentication for software applications at a very low-cost. Read more about PPP here.

This module requires the CryptoPPP library module to be installed and then uses it to add 2-factor authentication to ProcessWire. Upon installation and activation you will see an additional 'Token' field in the login form. You will have to enter the right one-time-code into this field to be able to login. These tokens can either be printed out in advance and carried on your person, or they can be delivered by email.

Printing PPP One-Time-Pad Cards.

To print out your one-time-pad codes in a handy credit-card sized format...

  1. Go to your profile screen
  2. Expand the "PPP Initialisation Vector" field
  3. Hit the "Show Token Cards" button to open a new browser window with the next 3 useful cards
  4. Use your browser's print option to print these out
  5. Trim them to size and store

Email Delivery

To setup email delivery of the code needed to log in, simply make sure that every user who will use the system has a valid email address. Upon the first failed login, the required token will be emailed to the user's email address and thereafter they will be able to login.


MIT. See the LICENSE file.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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