Help you moving processwire index.php to where ever you want.

Assets for Process Wire

Assets module help you to move your index.php file of Process Wire CMS to any part you like. The images, css, js etc will be served via assets for the first time.

On the next time, the requested file will be served by apache for it will be in your document root. ( Assets module will try to copy the file to the document root on the first request)

Known Issues

The file /wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryTableSorter/JqueryTableSorter.js is encrypted data.

So the mimetype detect it as, so is not served.

These modules are provided in core of Processwire, so are marked as exceptional cases.


You want to give appropriate permissions for the assets to write the css, images and js in the web root folder.

Other media types

We may need to add other media types like mp3, mp4, audio etc.


Special thanks to Paul M Jones and Aura PHP

Some parts of the code are from Aura.Framework and Aura.View

Aura is a collection of libraries to build your own framework.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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