AdminSaveActions by nik

Module that lets the user choose what happens after a saving a page, template or field.

ProcessWire AdminSaveActions

Admin Save Actions adds the possibility to choose where the browser gets redirected after saving a page, template or field in the admin. Admin save actions are displayed just before the save button in a collapsed container.

Chosen action can be saved in a cookie for current user by checking "Remember this setting". Setting is remembered for each type of save (page, field, template) separately. By leaving this option unchecked upon save, the chosen action will not become the default.

Actions available in v1.0

When saving / adding pages

  • Continue editing
  • Return to list
  • Create a new sibling page
  • Edit next sibling (if one exists)
    • By default only published and visible pages are acknowledged
    • If currently edited page is hidden but published all published pages are acknowledged (visible or hidden)
    • If currently edited page is unpublished all pages are acknowledged
  • View page

When saving a template

  • Continue editing
  • Return to list
  • Create a new template

When saving a field

  • Continue editing
  • Return to list
  • Create a new field

Config option(s)

  • Input type: display actions in a container with radio buttons OR a drop down near the bottom Save button.
  • Sibling limit: upper limit for sibling count to still give option to "edit next sibling page".

AdminSaveActions Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Niklas Lakanen

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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