ProcessWire 3.0.29 and 2.8.29

Like mentioned in last week's post, this week was focused on covering remaining GitHub issue reports and pull requests in preparation for the 3.0 and 2.8 master version releases. In total we covered close to a dozen issues and around ten pull requests this week, so you'll find lots of updates in today's versions (3.0.29 and 2.8.29). In addition, we've also got a section in this post for those that have inquired about ProcessWire site development help.

Summary of added pull requests

The biggest addition this week was Horst's pull request (PR) which adds support for his ImageInspector classes. This greatly improves our ability to detect and process different image formats with greater efficiency. Here's a few PR's that were added as well:

  • Added jmartsch's PR which updates .htaccess file for better support of Lets Encrypt.
  • Added mn-martin's PR which corrects an issue in InputfieldImage.
  • Added fezde's PR which enables the Link dialog box to select from files in repeaters.
  • Added Toutouwai's PR which corrects proper removal of non-breaking space character in blank paragraph.
  • Added yckart's PR which corrects an issue with hard-coded tag in the FileCompilerTags module.
  • Added rolandtoth's PR which prevents login Inputfields from being collapsible.
  • Added hettinger's PR which fixes an issue with the "add page from page reference" feature.
  • Added a new $page->getInputfield($fieldName) method to the Page class (per LostKobrakai request).
  • Added justonestep's PR that enables multi-language support for the "placeholder" attribute on text fields.

For more details on the above or any of the fixed issues, see the full commit log.

One small (but useful) new multi-language translation feature

We did also add one new feature this week that's useful for those doing multi-language translation. Now when translating files, you can choose to save and exit, save and edit next, or save and continue editing (as before). This is similar to the drop-down submit button that you see in the page editor.

Working towards a master 3.x release

Next week is going to be more of the same, hunting down and fixing any remaining issues that might be present. If you come across any issues in 3.0.29 or 2.8.29 please submit a GitHub issue report. Likewise, if there's any kind of major bug you've observed that hasn't had resolution, please send us a reminder. Thanks.

Need ProcessWire development help?

If you are reading this post, there's a decent chance you are a web developer using ProcessWire at a company, or on your own. That's my job too, and I have to dedicate a certain amount of time every week to do client work (my day job). I really enjoy working with clients, but I enjoy working directly with other web developers using ProcessWire even more. Since several of you have asked recently, I just wanted to mention it formally– if there's some way I can help you or your company, please know I'm enthusiastic and available to assist. Here's a few ways I may be able to help you or your company in your projects:

  • Building custom front-end or administrative features.
  • Building new custom modules, site profiles, or even entire sites.
  • Customization of existing modules (whether 3rd party, Pro modules, or core modules).
  • Consulting and advice on new or existing projects.
  • Any kind of support for ProcessWire.
  • Or anything you can imagine related to ProcessWire.

I'm available to do work by the hour or estimated on a flat fee. When it comes to anything ProcessWire related, I can accomplish a lot in very little time, saving you the effort, time and money. Please feel free to contact me if/when I can be of help. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend, and check out the ProcessWire Weekly while you are at it!


NextHow to use multi-instance in PW 3.x


This week work continued on preparing 3.x (and 2.8.x) for release. One of the features of 3.x that we'd not yet covered in much detail was the multi-instance support. So the primary focus this week was in making sure we clarified and simplified some things in that respect. This post covers all the details. Plus we've got some $session updates you might find useful.  More 

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“To Drupal, or to ProcessWire? The million dollar choice. We decided to make an early switch to PW. And in retrospect, ProcessWire was probably the best decision we made. Thanks are due to ProcessWire and the amazing system and set of modules that are in place.” —Unni Krishnan, Founder of PigtailPundits