ProcessWire 3.0.178 core updates

ProcessWire 3.0.178 focuses largely in adding pull requests (PRs), which are code contributions by ProcessWire users. We had quite a few great pull requests pending, and in total we have added 26 of them in 3.0.178.

The PRs covered everything from small typo and bug fixes to significant newly added features, and more. You can see the complete list of PR additions and contributors in our dev branch commit log. Below are just a few highlights:

  • PR #38 by @rolandtoth adds a “link text” feature to our modal link editor that you see when editing a link in CKEditor. This enables you to both see and modify the text of a link rather than just the URL it links to.

  • PR #161 by @porl adds support for multi-dimensional arrays in our $input variables. To specify the multi-dimensional depth you want to support add a $config->wireInputArrayDepth = 2; to your /site/config.php file, and replace the "2" with the maximum depth you want to support.

  • PR #169 by @BernhardBaumrock adds an alternative behavior for clicks of Inputfield headers/labels which makes Inputfields behave more consistently when it comes to their open and close behavior. For now, you can enable this is behavior in the AdminThemUikit module config, though if it's widely preferred we may make it the admin default at some point.

  • PR #184 by @teppokoivula makes it possible to activate inline CKEditor instances from the keyboard rather than just the mouse.

  • PR #187 by @pine3ree adds cookie SameSite support for ProcessWire session cookies as well as other cookies set from the ProcessWire API.

If you like what you see so far, be sure to see the other 21 pull requests that were added too (commit log). In addition, there are still a few pull requests pending that we don't have CLAs for or that just need a little more work to implement.

For instance, another highlight (and PR with most thumbs-up), PR #52 from @LostKobrakai implements a way for modules to supply language translations with CSV files, which I think is pretty great. I added and tested it and it works beautifully. But because it's essentially setting a standard for how to supply module translations, I thought I should take a little more time with it and maybe improve the core's existing CSV import functions that it is using to make it even simpler for module authors.

This is the biggest batch of PRs we've ever added to the core, over the last 2 weeks. I've learned a couple new tricks that make the whole process a lot easier than it used to be, not to mention fun. Thanks to Adrian for telling me about how they handle PRs at Nette with their Tracy project, which we've now adopted, and it has made everything much easier.

Thanks to all of our code and idea contributors for 3.0.178 including (GitHub usernames A-Z):

  • bernhardbaumrock
  • chriswthompson
  • derixithy
  • ethanbeyer
  • gerritvanaaken
  • happy-kaseem
  • horst-n
  • jmartsch
  • lostkobrakai
  • matjazpotocnik
  • mirzadabeer
  • notanotherdotcom
  • pine3ree
  • porl
  • rdunk
  • rolandtoth
  • teppokoivula
  • tiefenb
  • trk
  • yuters

As I understand it, the people listed above will also appear in our GitHub ProcessWire contributors lists/graphs once the dev branch is merged to the master branch. And coming up with a new master version is one of our next upcoming priorities. Thanks for reading and visit the ProcessWire Weekly this weekend for the latest ProcessWire news and updates.


  • HMCB


    • 3 years ago
    • 81

    Not much to say, other than thanks. ProcessWire and the community are awesome.


PrevProcessWire 3.0.177 core updates


This week we focus in on a new and unique Inputfield module added to the core that enables a lot of useful new input capabilities for tags, sortable multiple selection and custom user input. More 

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