$mail->mailHTML() method

Send an email with message assumed to be in HTML

This is the same as the $mail->mail() method except that the message argument is assumed to be HTML rather than text. The text version of the email will be auto-generated from the given HTML.

Available since version 3.0.109.


// basic usage
$bool = $mail->mailHTML($to, string $subject, $messageHTML);

// usage with all arguments
$bool = $mail->mailHTML($to, string $subject, $messageHTML, array $headers = []);


tostring, array

Email address TO. For multiple, specify CSV string or array.


Email subject

headers (optional)array

Optional additional headers as [name=value] array or "Name: Value" newline-separated string. Use this argument to duplicate PHP mail() style arguments. No need to use if you used $options array for the $message argument.

Return value


True on success, false on fail.

$mail methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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