WireArray::explode() method

Return a plain array of the requested property from each item

You may provide an array of properties as the $property, in which case it will return an array of associative arrays with all requested properties for each item.

You may also provide a function as the $property. That function receives the $item as the first argument and $key as the second. It should return the value that will be stored.

The keys of the returned array remain consistent with the original WireArray.


// basic usage
$array = $wireArray->explode();

// usage with all arguments
$array = $wireArray->explode($property = '', array $options = []);


property (optional)string, callable, array

Property or properties to retrieve, or callable function that should receive items.

options (optional)array

Options to modify default behavior:

  • getMethod (string): Method to call on each item to retrieve $property (default = "get")
  • key (string|null): Property of Wire objects to use for key of array, or omit (null) for non-associative array (default).

Return value


See Also

WireArray methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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