$user->save() method

Save the entire page to the database, or just a field from it

This is the same as calling $pages->save($page); or $pages->saveField($page, $field), but calling directly on the $page like this may be more convenient in many instances.

If you want to hook into the save operation, hook into one of the many Pages class hooks referenced in the 'See Also' section.


// Save the page

// Save just the 'title' field from the page


// basic usage
$bool = $user->save();

// usage with all arguments
$bool = $user->save($field = null, array $options = []);


field (optional)Field, string

Optional field to save (name of field or Field object)

options (optional)array

See Pages::save() documentation for options. You may also specify $options as the first argument if no $field is needed.

Return value


Returns true on success false on fail


Method can throw exceptions on error:

  • WireException - on database error

See Also

$user methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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