SessionHandlerDB class

Located in file /wire/modules/Session/SessionHandlerDB/SessionHandlerDB.module

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the SessionHandlerDB class also inherits all the methods and properties of: WireSessionHandler, WireData and Wire.

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SessionHandlerDB::destroy(string $id)
boolDestroy the session indicated by the given session ID 
SessionHandlerDB::gc(int $seconds)
boolGarbage collection: remove stale sessions 
SessionHandlerDB::getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data)
InputfieldWrapperSession configuration options 
intReturn the number of active sessions in the last 5 mins (300 seconds) 
arrayReturn all session data for the given session ID 
arrayGet the most recent sessions 
SessionHandlerDB::hookLoginSuccess(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called after Session::loginSuccess to enforce the noPS option 
(nothing)Initailize, called when module configuration has been populated 
(nothing)Install sessions table
SessionHandlerDB::lockSeconds int Max number of seconds to wait to obtain DB row lock. 
SessionHandlerDB::noPS int bool Prevent more than one session per logged-in user? 
SessionHandlerDB::read(string $id)
stringRead and return data for session indicated by $id 
SessionHandlerDB::retrySeconds int Seconds after which to retry after a lock fail. 
(nothing)Drop sessions table
SessionHandlerDB::upgrade(int $fromVersion, int $toVersion)
(nothing)Upgrade module version
SessionHandlerDB::useIP int bool Track IP address? 
SessionHandlerDB::useUA int bool Track user agent? 
(nothing)Initialize the save handler when $modules sets the current instance 
SessionHandlerDB::write(string $id, string $data)
boolWrite the given $data for the given session ID 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, SessionHandlerDB also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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