Selector class

Selector maintains a single selector consisting of field name, operator, and value.

  • Serves as the base class for the different Selector types (SelectorEqual, SelectorNotEqual, SelectorLessThan, etc.)
  • The constructor requires $field and $value properties which may either be an array or string. An array indicates multiple items in an OR condition. Multiple items may also be specified by pipe “|” separated strings.
  • Operator is determined by the Selector class name, and thus may not be changed without replacing the entire Selector.
// very basic usage example
// constructor takes ($field, $value) which can be strings or arrays
$s = new SelectorEqual('title', 'About Us');
// $page can be any kind of Wire-derived object
if($s->matches($page)) {
  // $page has title "About Us"
// another usage example
$s = new SelectorContains('title|body|summary', 'foo|bar');
if($s->matches($page)) {
  // the title, body or summary properties of $page contain either the text "foo" or "bar"

List of core selector-derived classes

  • SelectorEqual
  • SelectorNotEqual
  • SelectorGreaterThan
  • SelectorLessThan
  • SelectorGreaterThanEqual
  • SelectorLessThanEqual
  • SelectorContains
  • SelectorContainsLike
  • SelectorContainsWords
  • SelectorContainsWordsPartial (3.0.160+)
  • SelectorContainsWordsLive (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsWordsLike (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsWordsExpand (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsAnyWords (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsAnyWordsPartial (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsAnyWordsLike (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsExpand (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsMatch (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsMatchExpand (3.0.160)
  • SelectorContainsAdvanced (3.0.160)
  • SelectorStarts
  • SelectorStartsLike
  • SelectorEnds
  • SelectorEndsLike
  • SelectorBitwiseAnd

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Selector class also inherits all the methods and properties of: WireData and Wire.

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string array nullGet the field(s) of this Selector
Can also be used as property: field
arrayReturn array of field(s) for this Selector
Can also be used as property: fields
get(string $key)
array mixed null stringGet a property 
intWhat type of comparson does Selector perform? 
stringGet longer description that describes this Selector 
stringGet short label that describes this Selector 
boolDoes this Selector match the given value? 
stringReturn the operator used by this Selector
Can also be used as property: operator
set(string $key, mixed $value)
Selector WireDataSet a property of the Selector 
selfSet field or fields 
selfSet selector value(s) 
string array nullGet the value(s) of this Selector
Can also be used as property: value
arrayReturn array of value(s) for this Selector
Can also be used as property: values


altOperators array Alternate operators to use when primary fails match, supported only by compareTypeFind. Since 3.0.161 (default=[])  
forceMatch null bool When boolean, forces match (true) or force non-match (false). (default=null)  
group string null Group name for this selector (if field was prepended with a "group_name@").  
not bool Is this a NOT selector? Indicates the selector returns the opposite if what it would otherwise.  
quote string Type of quotes value was in, or blank if it was not quoted. One of: '"[{(  
str string String value of selector, i.e. “a=b”.  

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, Selector also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

“We chose ProcessWire because of its excellent architecture, modular extensibility and the internal API. The CMS offers the necessary flexibility and performance for such a complex website like ProcessWire offers options that are only available for larger systems, such as Drupal, and allows a much slimmer development process.” —xport communication GmbH