$sanitizer->text() method

Sanitize short string of text to single line without HTML

  • This sanitizer is useful for short strings of input text like like first and last names, street names, search queries, etc.

  • Please note the default 255 character max length setting.

  • If using returned value for front-end output, be sure to run it through $sanitizer->entities() first.


$str = "
  <strong>Hello World</strong>
  How are you doing today?

echo $sanitizer->text($str);
// outputs: Hello World How are you doing today?


// basic usage
$string = $sanitizer->text(string $value);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $sanitizer->text(string $value, array $options = []);



String value to sanitize

options (optional)array

Options to modify default behavior:

  • maxLength (int): maximum characters allowed, or 0=no max (default=255).
  • maxBytes (int): maximum bytes allowed (default=0, which implies maxLength*4).
  • stripTags (bool): strip markup tags? (default=true).
  • stripMB4 (bool): strip emoji and other 4-byte UTF-8? (default=false).
  • stripQuotes (bool): strip out any "quote" or 'quote' characters? Specify true, or character to replace with. (default=false)
  • stripSpace (bool|string): strip whitespace? Specify true or character to replace whitespace with (default=false). Since 3.0.105
  • reduceSpace (bool|string): reduce consecutive whitespace to single? Specify true or character to reduce to (default=false). Note that the reduceSpace option is an alternative to the stripSpace option, they should not be used together. Since 3.0.105
  • allowableTags (string): markup tags that are allowed, if stripTags is true (use same format as for PHP's strip_tags() function.
  • multiLine (bool): allow multiple lines? if false, then $newlineReplacement below is applicable (default=false).
  • convertEntities (bool): convert HTML entities to equivalent character(s)? (default=false). Since 3.0.105
  • newlineReplacement (string): character to replace newlines with, OR specify boolean true to remove extra lines (default=" ").
  • truncateTail (bool): if truncate necessary for maxLength, truncate from end/tail? Use false to truncate head (default=true). Since 3.0.105
  • inCharset (string): input character set (default="UTF-8").
  • outCharset (string): output character set (default="UTF-8").

Return value


See Also

$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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