$sanitizer->markupToText() method

Convert a string containing markup or entities to be plain text

This is one implementation but there is also a better one that you may prefer with the WireTextTools::markupToText() method. Try both to determine which suits your needs best:


$markup = '<html>a bunch of HTML here</html>';
// try both to see what you prefer:
$text1 = $sanitizer->markupToText($html);
$text2 = $sanitizer->getTextTools()->markupToText(); 


// basic usage
$string = $sanitizer->markupToText(string $value);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $sanitizer->markupToText(string $value, array $options = []);



String you want to convert

options (optional)array

Options to modify default behavior:

  • newline (string): Character(s) to replace newlines with (default="\n").
  • separator (string): Character(s) to separate HTML <li> items with (default="\n").
  • entities (bool): Entity encode returned value? (default=false).
  • trim (string): Character(s) to trim from beginning and end of value (default=" -,:;|\n\t").

Return value


Converted string of text

See Also

$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

“ProcessWire is like a breath of fresh air. So powerful yet simple to build with and customise, and web editors love it too.” —Margaret Chatwin, Web developer