$sanitizer->date() method

Sanitize a date or date/time string, making sure it is valid, and return it

  • If no date $format is specified, date will be returned as a unix timestamp.
  • If given date in invalid format and can’t be made valid, or date is empty, NULL will be returned.
  • If $value is an integer or string of all numbers, it is always assumed to be a unix timestamp.
  • If $format and “strict” option specified, date will also validate for format and no out-of-bounds values will be converted.


// basic usage
$string = $sanitizer->date($value);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $sanitizer->date($value, $format = null, array $options = []);


valuestring, int

Date string or unix timestamp

format (optional)string, null

Format of date string ($value) in any wireDate(), date() or strftime() format.

options (optional)array

Options to modify behavior:

  • returnFormat (string): wireDate() format to return date in. If not specified, then the $format argument is used.
  • min (string|int): Minimum allowed date in $format or unix timestamp format. Null is returned when date is less than this.
  • max (string|int): Maximum allowed date in $format or unix timestamp format. Null is returned when date is more than this.
  • default (mixed): Default value to return if no value specified.
  • strict (bool): Force dates that don’t match given $format, or out of bounds, to fail. Requires $format. (default=false)

Return value

string int null

$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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