ProMailerSubscriber class

Located in file /site/modules/ProMailer/ProMailerSubscriber.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the ProMailerSubscriber class also inherits all the methods and properties of: ProMailerType, WireData and Wire.

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ProMailerSubscriber::code string Confirmation code for this subscriber, used for confirming subscribe/unsubscribe 
ProMailerSubscriber::confirmed int Is subscriber opt-in confirmed? Contains timestamp of confirmation time when confirmed 
ProMailerSubscriber::created int Timestamp of when this subscriber was created 
ProMailerSubscriber::custom array 
ProMailerSubscriber::email string 
ProMailerSubscriber::flags int 
mixed nullRetrieve the value for a previously set property, or retrieve an API variable 
arrayReturn array of default values 
ProMailerList nullGet the list this subscriber belongs to 
ProMailerSubscriber::id int 
ProMailerSubscriber::list ProMailerList null List that this subscriber belongs to 
ProMailerSubscriber::list_id int 
ProMailerSubscriber::num_bounce int Number of bounces for this subscriber 
ProMailerSubscriber::num_sent int Number of messages sent to this subscriber 
ProMailerSubscriber::page Page null Pages associated with subscriber if type is ProMailer::listTypePages 
ProMailerSubscriber::set($key, $value)
WireData ProMailerTypeSet value 
ProMailerSubscriber::setCustom(string $name, mixed $value)
boolSet value for custom field while also sanitizing it 
ProMailerSubscriber::setList(ProMailerList $list)
$thisSet the list for this subscriber 
ProMailerSubscriber::type string Either ProMailer::listTypeRegular or ProMailer::listTypePages 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, ProMailerSubscriber also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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