ProMailerEmail class

Located in file /site/modules/ProMailer/ProMailerEmail.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the ProMailerEmail class also inherits all the methods and properties of: ProMailerTypeManager and Wire.

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ProMailerEmail::emailInDomain(string $email, $domain)
boolIs the given email in the given domain (or host)? 
Page NullPageGet the default email template page 
WireMailGet WireMail module
ProMailerEmail::markupToText(string $markup)
stringConvert markup to text using best available method
ProMailerEmail::parseEmail(string $email)
arrayGet all the parts of an email address 
ProMailerEmail::populateConditionals(string $body, array $data)
stringPopulate conditional {tag} statements in $body according to $data 
ProMailerEmail::populatePlaceholders(string $body, array $data)
stringPopulate placeholders from $data in $body 
ProMailerEmail::renderMessageBody(ProMailerMessage $message, ProMailerSubscriber $subscriber)
stringRender message body for subscriber 
ProMailerEmail::saveLog(string $str)
(nothing)Save entry to sent email log 
ProMailerEmail::send(WireMail $mailer)
intSend a populated WireMail object 
ProMailerEmail::sendFail(string $email, WireMail $mailer, string $error)
(nothing)Hook called when message fails to send to subscriber
ProMailerEmail::sendMessage($message, $subscriber)
bool arraySend given message to given subscriber 
ProMailerEmail::sendReady(string $email, WireMail $mailer)
boolHook called when message ready to send to email
ProMailerEmail::sent(string $email, WireMail $mailer)
(nothing)Hook called after message has been sent to subscriber
ProMailerEmail::subscriberMessageFail(array $data)
(nothing)Message failed to send to subscriber
ProMailerEmail::subscriberMessageReady(array $data)
boolMessage ready to send to subscriber
ProMailerEmail::subscriberMessageSent(array $data)
(nothing)Message sent to subscriber
stringGet the DB table name used by this type 
stringGet the class name of the type this class manages 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, ProMailerEmail also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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