$promailer API variable / ProMailer class

Bulk email distribution and subscriber management

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the ProMailer class also inherits all the methods and properties of: WireData and Wire.

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$promailer->defaultFromEmail string 
$promailer->defaultFromName string 
$promailer->defaultMailer string Default selected mailer 
$promailer->email ProMailerEmail 
$promailer->expireDays int 
(nothing)Request maintenance 
$promailer->forceMailer string Force only this mailer 
$promailer->forms ProMailerForms 
$promailer->instance(string $name)
ProMailerTypeManager null arrayGet a helper instance 
$promailer->listUnsubDomains string 
$promailer->listUnsubEmail string 
$promailer->lists ProMailerLists 
(nothing)Daily maintenance (called by ProcessProMailer) 
$promailer->maxBounce int 
$promailer->messages ProMailerMessages 
boolModule status ok (Pro module verification) 
$promailer->queues ProMailerQueues 
$promailer->subscribers ProMailerSubscribers 
$promailer->transMailer string Mailer to use for transactional email (i.e. opt-in emails) 
$promailer->upgrade($fromVersion, $toVersion)
$promailer->useGravatar string 
$promailer->useListUnsub int 
$promailer->useLogs array Logs to use 
$promailer->useTemplates array IDs of templates allowed for messages (empty=allow any) 
$promailer->useXMailer bool int Send an X-Mailer header in sent emails? 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, ProMailer also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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