Find cache database rows of cache URLs for page matching given criteria
// basic usage
$proCacheStaticEntry = $proCacheStatic->findCacheEntries();
// usage with all arguments
$proCacheStaticEntry = $proCacheStatic->findCacheEntries(array $options = []);
Name | Type(s) | Description |
options (optional) | array | page (Page|null): Specify Page object to limit results to that Page.path (string): Specify wildcard path to find matching entries, i.e. "/tours" or "boat" or "*-bike/"language (Language|int|string): Match entries in this language, omit to match all, boolean false to match only default language.urlSegmentStr (string): Match entries having this URL segment string, wildcards or regex is OK. urlSegments (array|bool): Match entries having any of these URL segments, omit to get all, empty array to allow inclusion of any. boolean false to exclude all URL segments, or boolean true to get only URL segments. pageNum (int|bool): Get only this pageNum, true to get only pageNum>1, false to get no pageNum>1, or int 0 to also include any paginations. hasParent (Page|int): Find entries having this parent page somewhere in their parents
Return value
ProCacheStatic methods and properties
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244