$pages->getRaw() method

Get single page and return raw data in an associative array

Note that the data returned from this method is raw and unformatted, directly as it exists in the database. In most cases you should use $pages->get() instead, but this method is a convenient alternative for some cases.

Please see the documentation for the $pages->findRaw() method, which all applies to this method as well. The biggest difference is that this method returns data for just 1 page, unlike $pages->findRaw() which can return data for many pages at once.


// basic usage
$array = $pages->getRaw($selector);

// usage with all arguments
$array = $pages->getRaw($selector, $field = '', array $options = []);


selectorstring, array, Selectors, int

Page matching selector or page ID

field (optional)string, array, Field

Name of field/property to get, or array of them, or omit to get all (default='')

options (optional)array

Return value


$pages methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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