Get a fresh, non-cached copy of a Page from the database
This method is the same as $pages->get()
except that it skips over all memory caches when loading a Page.
Meaning, if the Page is already in memory, it doesn’t use the one in memory and instead reloads from the DB.
Nor does it place the Page it loads in any memory cache. Use this method to load a fresh copy of a page
that you might need to compare to an existing loaded copy, or to load a copy that won’t be seen or touched
by anything in ProcessWire other than your own code.
Available since version 3.0.172.
$p1 = $pages->get(1234);
$p2 = $pages->get($p1->path);
$p1 === $p2; // true: same Page instance
$p3 = $pages->getFresh($p1);
$p1 === $p3; // false: same Page but different instance
// basic usage
$page = $pages->getFresh($selectorOrPage);
// usage with all arguments
$page = $pages->getFresh($selectorOrPage, array $options = []);
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244