PagesRaw::find() method

Find pages and return raw data from them in a PHP array

Available since version 3.0.172.


// basic usage
$array = $pagesRaw->find($selector);

// usage with all arguments
$array = $pagesRaw->find($selector, $field = '', array $options = []);


selectorstring, array, Selectors
field (optional)string, array, Field

Name of field/property to get, or array of them, CSV string, or omit to get all (default='')

  • Optionally use associative array to rename fields in returned value, i.e. ['title' => 'label'] returns 'title' as 'label' in return value.
  • Specify parent.field_name or parent.parent.field_name, etc. to return values from parent(s). 3.0.193+
  • Specify references or references.field_name, etc. to also return values from pages referencing found pages. 3.0.193+
  • Specify meta or to also return values from page meta data. 3.0.193+
options (optional)array

See options for Pages::find

  • objects (bool): Use objects rather than associative arrays? (default=false)
  • entities (bool|array): Entity encode string values? True, or specify array of field names. (default=false)
  • nulls (bool): Populate nulls for field values that are not present, rather than omitting them? (default=false) 3.0.198+
  • indexed (bool): Index by page ID? (default=true)
  • flat (bool|string): Flatten return value as ["field.subfield" => "value"] rather than ["field" => ["subfield" => "value"]]? Optionally specify field delimiter, otherwise a period . will be used as the delimiter. (default=false) 3.0.193+
  • Note the objects and flat options are not meant to be used together.

Return value


PagesRaw methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

“We were really happy to build our new portfolio website on ProcessWire! We wanted something that gave us plenty of control on the back-end, without any bloat on the front end - just a nice, easy to access API for all our content that left us free to design and build however we liked.” —Castus, web design agency in Sheffield, UK