PagesLoader::find() method

Given a Selector string, return the Page objects that match in a PageArray.

Non-visible pages are excluded unless an include=hidden|unpublished|all mode is specified in the selector string, or in the $options array. If 'all' mode is specified, then non-accessible pages (via access control) can also be included.


// basic usage
$items = $pagesLoader->find($selector);

// usage with all arguments
$items = $pagesLoader->find($selector, $options = []);


selectorstring, int, array, Selectors

Specify selector (standard usage), but can also accept page ID or array of page IDs.

options (optional)array, string

Optional one or more options that can modify certain behaviors. May be assoc array or key=value string.

  • findOne (bool): Apply optimizations for finding a single page.
  • findAll (bool): Find all pages with no exclusions (same as include=all option).
  • findIDs (bool|int): Makes method return raw array rather than PageArray, specify one of the following: • true (bool): return array of [ [id, templates_id, parent_id] ] for each page. • 1 (int): Return just array of just page IDs, [id, id, id] • 2 (int): Return all pages table columns in associative array for each page (3.0.153+). • 3 (int): Same as 2 + dates are unix timestamps + has 'pageArray' key w/blank PageArray for pagination info (3.0.172+). • 4 (int): Same as 3 + return PageArray instead if one is available in cache (3.0.172+).
  • getTotal (bool): Whether to set returning PageArray's "total" property (default: true except when findOne=true)
  • cache (bool): Allow caching of selectors and pages loaded (default=true). Also sets loadOptions[cache].
  • allowCustom (bool): Whether to allow use of "_custom=new selector" in selectors (default=false).
  • lazy (bool): Makes find() return Page objects that don't have any data populated to them (other than id and template).
  • loadPages (bool): Whether to populate the returned PageArray with found pages (default: true). The only reason why you'd want to change this to false would be if you only needed the count details from the PageArray: getTotal(), getStart(), getLimit, etc. This is intended as an optimization for Pages::count(). Does not apply if $selectorString argument is an array.
  • caller (string): Name of calling function, for debugging purposes, i.e. pages.count
  • include (string): Inclusion mode of 'hidden', 'unpublished' or 'all'. Default=none. Typically you would specify this directly in the selector string, so the option is mainly useful if your first argument is not a string.
  • stopBeforeID (int): Stop loading pages once page matching this ID is found (default=0).
  • startAfterID (int): Start loading pages once page matching this ID is found (default=0).
  • loadOptions (array): Assoc array of options to pass to getById() load options. (does not apply when 'findIds' > 3).
  • joinFields (array): Names of fields to autojoin, or empty array to join none; overrides field autojoin settings (default=null) 3.0.172+

Return value

PageArray array

PagesLoader methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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