Include site preload modules
Preload modules load before all other modules, including core modules. In order for a module to be a preload module, it must meet the following conditions:
- Module info
value is integer of 10000 or greater, i.e.[ 'autoload' => 10000 ]
- Module info
value must be non-empty, i.e.[ 'singular' => true ]
- Module file is located in: /site/modules/ModuleName/ModuleName.module.php
- Module cannot load any other modules at least until ready() method called.
- Module cannot have any
dependencies to any other modules.
Please note the above is specifically stating that the module must be in its own “site/ModuleName/” directory and have the “.module.php” extension. Using just the “.module” extension is not supported for preload modules.
Available since version 3.0.173.
$modulesLoader->preloadModules(string $path);
Name | Type(s) | Description |
path | string |
ModulesLoader methods and properties
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244