ModulesLoader::initModule() method

Initialize a single module


// basic usage
$bool = $modulesLoader->initModule(Module $module);

// usage with all arguments
$bool = $modulesLoader->initModule(Module $module, array $options = []);


options (optional)array
  • clearSettings (bool): When true, module settings will be cleared when appropriate to save space. (default=true)
  • configOnly (bool): When true, module init() method NOT called, but config data still set (default=false) 3.0.169+
  • configData (array): Extra config data merge with module’s config data (default=[]) 3.0.169+
  • throw (bool): When true, exceptions will be allowed to pass through. (default=false)

Return value


True on success, false on fail


Method can throw exceptions on error:

  • \Exception - Only if the throw option is true.

ModulesLoader methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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