Module for generating pagination markup automatically for paginated WireArray types.
// Get an instance of MarkupPagerNav
$pager = $modules->get('MarkupPagerNav');
This module can create pagination for a PageArray
or any other kind of PaginatedArray
type.Below is an example of creating pagination for a PageArray returned from $pages->find()
// $items can be PageArray or any other kind of PaginatedArray type
$items = $pages->find("id>0, limit=10"); // replace id>0 with your selector
if($items->count()) {
$pager = $modules->get("MarkupPagerNav");
echo "<ul>" . $items->each("<li>{title}</li>") . "</ul>";
echo $pager->render($items); // render the pagination navigation
} else {
echo "<p>Sorry there were no items found</p>";
Here’s a shortcut alternative that you can use for PageArray types (thanks to the MarkupPageArray
Note that in this case, it’s not necessary to load the Markup
$items = $pages->find("id>0, limit=10"); // replace id>0 with your selector
if($items->count()) {
echo "<ul>" . $items->each("<li>{title}</li>") . "</ul>";
echo $items->renderPager(); // render the pagination navigation
} else {
echo "<p>Sorry there were no items found</p>";
It’s common to specify different markup and/or classes specific to the need when rendering
pagination. This is done by providing an $options
array to the Markup
In the example below, we'll specify Uikit markup rather then the default markup:
// Change options for Uikit "uk-pagination" navigation
$options = array(
'numPageLinks' => 5,
'listClass' => 'uk-pagination',
'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'>{out}</a>",
'currentItemClass' => 'uk-active',
'separatorItemLabel' => '<span>…</span>',
'separatorItemClass' => 'uk-disabled',
'currentLinkMarkup' => "<span>{out}</span>"
'nextItemLabel' => '<i class="uk-icon-angle-double-right"></i>',
'previousItemLabel' => '<i class="uk-icon-angle-double-left"></i>',
'nextItemClass' => '', // blank out classes irrelevant to Uikit
'previousItemClass' => '',
'lastItemClass' => '',
$items = $pages->find("id>0, limit=10"); // replace id>0 with your selector
if($items->count()) {
$pager = $modules->get('MarkupPagerNav');
echo "<ul>" . $items->each("<li>{title}</li>") . "</ul>";
echo $pager->render($items, $options); // provide the $options array
} else {
echo "<p>Sorry there were no items found</p>";
The full list of options can be seen below. Please note that most options are set automatically since this module can determine most of the needed information directly from the WireArray that it’s given. As a result, it’s often not necessary to change any of the default options unless you want to change the markup and/or classes used in output.
Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Markup
class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Wire.
Name | Return | Summary | |
$pager->getURL() $pager->getURL(int $pageNum) $pager->getURL(int $pageNum, bool $http = false) | string | Get URL for given pagination number | |
$pager->options() $pager->options() $pager->options(array $options = []) | array | Get all options or set options | |
$pager->render() $pager->render($items) $pager->render($items, array $options = []) | string | Render pagination markup | |
$pager->wired() $pager->wired() $pager->wired() | (nothing) | Wired to ProcessWire instance |
Method options
General options
Name | Return | Summary | |
$pager->baseUrl | string | The base URL from which the navigation item links will start (default=''). | |
$pager->getVars | array | GET vars that should appear in the pagination, or leave empty and populate $input->whitelist (recommended). | |
$pager->numPageLinks | int | The number of links that the pagination navigation should have, minimum 5 (default=10). | |
$pager->page | null Page | The current Page, or leave NULL to autodetect. |
Markup options
Name | Return | Summary | |
$pager->currentLinkMarkup | string | Link markup for current page. Place {url} for href attribute and {out} for label content. (default="<a href='{url}'><span>{out}</span></a>"). | |
$pager->itemMarkup | string | List item markup. Place {class} for item class (required), and {out} for item content. (default="<li class='{class}' aria-label='{aria-label}'>{out}</li>"). | |
$pager->linkMarkup | string | Link markup. Place {url} for href attribute, and {out} for label content. (default="<a href='{url}'><span>{out}</span></a>"). | |
$pager->listMarkup | string | List container markup. Place {out} where you want the individual items rendered and {class} where you want the list class (default="<ul class='{class}' aria-label='{aria-label}'>{out}</ul>"). | |
$pager->separatorItemMarkup | string | Markup to use for the "..." separator item, or NULL to use $itemMarkup (default=NULL). |
Class options
Name | Return | Summary | |
$pager->currentItemClass | string | Class for current item (default='Markup | |
$pager->firstItemClass | string | Class for first item (default='Markup | |
$pager->firstNumberItemClass | string | Class for first numbered item (default='Markup | |
$pager->lastItemClass | string | Class for last item (default='Markup | |
$pager->lastNumberItemClass | string | Class for last numbered item (default='Markup | |
$pager->listClass | string | The class name to use in the $listMarkup (default='MarkupPageNav'). | |
$pager->nextItemClass | string | Class for next item (default='Markup | |
$pager->previousItemClass | string | Class for previous item (default='Markup | |
$pager->separatorItemClass | string | Class for separator item (default='Markup |
Label options
Name | Return | Summary | |
$pager->currentItemAriaLabel | string | Label announcing current page to screen readers (default='Page {n}, current page'). | |
$pager->itemAriaLabel | string | Label announcing page number to screen readers (default='Page {n}'). | |
$pager->listAriaLabel | string | Label announcing pagination to screen readers (default='Pagination links'). | |
$pager->nextItemLabel | string | label used for the 'Next' button (default='Next'). | |
$pager->previousItemLabel | string | label used for the 'Previous' button (default='Prev'). | |
$pager->separatorItemLabel | string | label used in the separator item (default='…'). |
Other options
Name | Return | Summary | |
$pager->arrayToCSV | bool | When arrays are present in getVars, they will be translated to CSV strings in the queryString "?var=a,b,c". If set to false, then arrays will be kept in traditional format: "?var[]=a&var[]=b&var=c". (default=true) | |
$pager->itemsPerPage | int | Get number of items to display per page (set automatically, pulled from limit=n). | |
$pager->pageNum | int | Get or set the current page number (1-based, set automatically). | |
$pager->queryString | string | Get or set query string used in links (set automatically, based on $input->whitelist or getVars array). | |
$pager->totalItems | int | Get total number of items to paginate (set automatically). |
Additional methods and properties
In addition to the methods and properties above, Markup
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244