$log->getLogs() method

Return array of all logs, sorted by name

Each item in returned array is an associative array that includes the following:

  • name (string): Name of log file, excluding extension.
  • file (string): Full path and filename of log file.
  • size (int): Size in bytes
  • modified (int): Last modified date (unix timestamp)


// basic usage
$array = $log->getLogs();

// usage with all arguments
$array = $log->getLogs(bool $sortNewest = false);


sortNewest (optional)bool

Sort by newest to oldest rather than by name? (default=false) Added 3.0.143

Return value


Indexed by log name

$log methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

“ProcessWire is like a breath of fresh air. So powerful yet simple to build with and customise, and web editors love it too.” —Margaret Chatwin, Web developer