Inputfield::parent() method

Get or set parent of Inputfield

This convenience method performs the same thing as getParent() and setParent().

To get parent, specify no arguments. It will return null if no parent assigned, or an InputfieldWrapper instance of the parent.

To set parent, specify an InputfieldWrapper for the $parent argument. The return value is the current Inputfield for fluent interface.

Available since version 3.0.110.


// basic usage
$inputfield = $inputfield->parent();

// usage with all arguments
$inputfield = $inputfield->parent($parent = null);


parent (optional)null, InputfieldWrapper

Return value

Inputfield methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

“Yesterday I sent the client a short documentation for their ProcessWire-powered website. Today all features already used with no questions. #cmsdoneright—Marc Hinse, Web designer/developer