InputfieldWrapper::insertAfter() method

Insert one Inputfield after one that’s already there.

Note: string or array values for either argument require 3.0.196+.


// example 1: Get existing Inputfields, insert last_name after first_name
$lastName = $form->getByName('last_name');
$firstName = $form->getByName('first_name');
$form->insertAfter($lastName, $firstName);

// example 2: Same as above but use Inputfield names (3.0.196+)
$form->insertBefore('last_name', 'first_name');

// example 3: Create new Inputfield and insert after first_name (3.0.196+)
$form->insertAfter([ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'last_name' ], 'first_name');


$inputfieldWrapper->insertAfter($item, $existingItem);


itemInputfield, array, string

Item to insert

existingItemInputfield, string

Existing item you want to insert after.

Return value


Object instance it was called from (method supports fluent interface).

InputfieldWrapper methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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