InputfieldTinyMCE class

TinyMCE rich text editor version 6.8.2.

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the InputfieldTinyMCE class also inherits all the methods and properties of: InputfieldTextarea, InputfieldText, Inputfield, WireData and Wire.

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InputfieldTinyMCE::addPlugin(string $file)
(nothing)Add an external plugin .js file 
InputfieldTinyMCE::configName string 
InputfieldTinyMCE::configs InputfieldTinyMCEConfigs 
boolGet or set configurable state 
InputfieldTinyMCE::content_css string Basename of content CSS file to use or "custom" to use custom URL (default='wire') 
InputfieldTinyMCE::content_css_url string Applies only if $content_css has value "custom" 
InputfieldTinyMCE::contextmenu string Space-separated string of tools to show in context menu 
InputfieldTinyMCE::debugMode bool int Makes InputfieldTinyMCE.js use verbose console.log() messages 
InputfieldTinyMCE::defaultsFile string Location of optional defaults.json file that merges with defaults.json (URL relative to PW root URL) 
InputfieldTinyMCE::defaultsJSON string JSON that merges with the defaults.json for all instances 
InputfieldTinyMCE::extPluginOpts string Newline separated URL paths (relative to PW root) of extra plugin .js files 
InputfieldTinyMCE::extPlugins array Additional plugins to enable for this field (URL paths from customPluginOptions)  
InputfieldTinyMCE::external_plugins array URLs of external plugins, this is also a TinyMCE setting 
InputfieldTinyMCE::extraCSS string Extra CSS for editor, applies to all editors (appended to TinyMCE content_style setting) 
InputfieldTinyMCE::features array General features: toolbar, menubar, statusbar, stickybars, spellcheck, purifier, imgUpload, imgResize, pasteFilter 
InputfieldTinyMCE::formats InputfieldTinyMCEFormats 
array mixed string nullGet 
InputfieldWrapperGet Inputfield configuration settings
stringGet configuration name used to store settings in ProcessWire.config JS 
stringGet directionality, either 'ltr' or 'rtl' 
stringGet styles to add in <head> 
stringGet all configurable setting names 
InputfieldTinyMCE::headlines array Allowed headline types 
InputfieldTinyMCE::height int Height of editor in pixels 
InputfieldTinyMCE::helper(string $name)
InputfieldTinyMCEClassGet helper 
InputfieldTinyMCE::imageFields array Names of fields allowed for drag-drop in images 
InputfieldTinyMCE::initialized bool 
InputfieldTinyMCE::inlineMode int Use inline mode? 0=Regular editor, 1=Inline editor, 2=Fixed height inline editor 
InputfieldTinyMCE::invalid_styles string Space-separated string of invalid inline styles 
InputfieldTinyMCE::lazyMode int Use lazy-loading mode? 0=Off, 1=Lazy, 2=Extra lazy 
stringReturn path or URL to TinyMCE files 
InputfieldTinyMCE::menubar string Space-separated list of top-level menubar items 
InputfieldTinyMCE::optionals array Names of optional settings that can be configured per-field 
InputfieldTinyMCE::pasteFilter string Rule string of elements and attributes allowed during filtered paste 
InputfieldTinyMCE::plugins string Space-separated string of plugins to enable 
InputfieldTinyMCE::processInput(WireInputData $input)
$thisProcess input
InputfieldTinyMCE::readonly bool Automatically set during renderValue mode 
InputfieldTinyMCE::removePlugin(string $file)
boolRemove an external plugin .js file 
InputfieldTinyMCE::removed_menuitems string Space-separated string of tools to remove from menubar 
stringRender Inputfield
boolRender ready 
stringRender non-editable value
InputfieldTinyMCE::renderValueMode null bool 
InputfieldTinyMCE::set($key, $value)
InputfieldTinyMCE::setConfigName(string $configName)
$thisSet configuration name used to store settings in ProcessWire.config JS 
InputfieldTinyMCE::settings InputfieldTinyMCESettings 
InputfieldTinyMCE::settingsField string Alternate field to inherit settings from rather than configure settings with this instance. 
InputfieldTinyMCE::settingsFile string Location of optional custom-settings.json settings file (URL relative to PW root URL) 
InputfieldTinyMCE::settingsJSON string JSON with custom settings that override the defaults 
InputfieldTinyMCE::skin string 
InputfieldTinyMCE::skin_url string 
InputfieldTinyMCE::styleFormatsCSS string Style formats as CSS to parse and apply to style_formats and content_style 
InputfieldTinyMCE::toggles array Markup toggles, see self::toggle* constants 
InputfieldTinyMCE::toolbar string Space-separated string of tools to show in toolbar 
InputfieldTinyMCE::tools InputfieldTinyMCETools 
InputfieldTinyMCE::useFeature(string $name)
boolUse the named feature? 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, InputfieldTinyMCE also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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