InputfieldMarkup::renderReady() method

Render ready

Called before Inputfield::render() or Inputfield::renderValue() method by the parent InputfieldWrapper instance. If you are calling either of those methods yourself for some reason, make sure that you call this renderReady() method first.

The default behavior of this method is to populate Inputfield-specific CSS and JS file assets into $config->styles and $config->scripts.

The return value is true if assets were just added, and false if assets have already been added in a previous call. This distinction probably doesn't matter in most usages, but here just in case a descending class needs to know when/if to add additional assets (i.e. when this method returns true).


// basic usage
$bool = $inputfieldMarkup->renderReady();

// usage with all arguments
$bool = $inputfieldMarkup->renderReady($parent = null, bool $renderValueMode = false);


parent (optional)Inputfield, null
renderValueMode (optional)bool

Specify true only if this is for Inputfield::renderValue() rather than Inputfield::render().

Return value


True if assets were just added, false if already added.

InputfieldMarkup methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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