InputfieldCKEditor::addExtraPluginsDir() method

Add an extra plugins dir available to all CKEditor instances

Add an extra plugins dir, relative to ProcessWire installation root. An example could be /site/modules/MyModule/plugins/. Dir should have one or more directories within it having CKEditor plugins, which are identified by the presence of a plugin.js file in a directory, for example /site/modules/MyModule/plugins/foobar/plugin.js for a plugin named 'foobar'. Please note that the /foobar/ portion of the example directory would NOT be in the dir specified to this method.

Note the dir added from this method is saved to the CKEditor module configuration and thus is present for all future CKEditor instances, whether in this request or another. It will remain until removed by removeExtraPluginsDir().

Available since version 3.0.179.


$f = $modules->get('InputfieldCKEditor');


$inputfieldCKEditor->addExtraPluginsDir(string $dir);



See Also

InputfieldCKEditor methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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