Return a cleaned query string that was part of this request, or blank if none
Note: it is recommended that you always specify $options with this method as the defaults may or may not be consistent with your needs.
Available since version 3.0.167.
// basic usage
$string = $input->queryStringClean();
// usage with all arguments
$string = $input->queryStringClean(array $options = []);
Name | Type(s) | Description |
options (optional) | array | values (array): Optional associative array of [name=value] to use in query string rather than current GET vars. (default=[])overrides (array): Array of values to override or add to current request values. (default=[])validNames (array): Only include query string variables with these names, and omit any others. (default=[])maxItems (int): Maximum number of variables/items to include in the query string or 0 for no max. (default=20)maxLength (int): Max overall length of returned query string or 0 for no max. (default=1024)maxNameLength (int): Max length of any “name” in the “name=value” portion of a query string or 0 for no max. (default=50)maxValueLength (int): Max length of any “value” in the “name=value” portion of a query string or 0 for no max. (default=255)maxArrayDepth (int): Maximum depth for arrays, or 0 to disallow arrays. (default=0)maxArrayItems (int): Maximum number of items allowed in arrays or 0 for no max. (default=20)associative (bool): Allow associative arrays? (default=false)sanitizeName (string): Sanitize query string variable names with this sanitizer method or blank to ignore. (default='fieldName')sanitizeValue (string): Sanitize query string variable values with this sanitizer method or blank to ignore. (default='line')sanitizeRemove (bool): Remove any variables from query string that are changed as the result of sanitization? (default=true)entityEncode (bool): Should returned query string be entity encoded for HTML output? (default=true)encType (int): Use PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 for spaces encoded to '%20' or PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 for spaces as '+'. (default=PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)separator (string): Character(s) that separate each “name=value” in query string. (default='&')
Return value
$input methods and properties
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244