wirePopulateStringTags() function

Given a string ($str) and values ($vars), replace “{tags}” in the string with the values

  • The $vars should be an associative array of [ 'tag' => 'value' ].
  • The $vars may also be an object, in which case values will be pulled as properties of the object.

By default, tags are specified in the format: {first_name} where first_name is the name of the variable to pull from $vars, { is the opening tag character, and } is the closing tag char.

The tag parser can also handle subfields and OR tags, if $vars is an object that supports that. For instance {products.title} is a subfield, and {first_name|title|name} is an OR tag.


$vars = [ 'foo' => 'FOO!', 'bar' => 'BAR!' ];
$str = 'This is a test: {foo}, and this is another test: {bar}';
echo wirePopulateStringTags($str, $vars);
// outputs: This is a test: FOO!, and this is another test: BAR!


// basic usage
$string = wirePopulateStringTags(string $str, $vars);

// usage with all arguments
$string = wirePopulateStringTags(string $str, $vars, array $options = array);



The string to operate on (where the {tags} might be found)

varsWireData, object, array

Object or associative array to pull replacement values from.

options (optional)array

Array of optional changes to default behavior, including:

  • tagOpen (string): The required opening tag character(s), default is '{'
  • tagClose (string): The optional closing tag character(s), default is '}'
  • recursive (bool): If replacement value contains tags, populate those too? (default=false)
  • removeNullTags (bool): If a tag resolves to a NULL, remove it? If false, tag will remain. (default=true)
  • entityEncode (bool): Entity encode the values pulled from $vars? (default=false)
  • entityDecode (bool): Entity decode the values pulled from $vars? (default=false)

Return value


String with tags populated.

Functions methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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