wireLangTranslations() function

Set predefined fallback translation values

These predefined translations are used when an existing translation is not available, enabling you to provide translations programmatically.

These translations will be used if the text is not translated in the admin. The translations are not specific to any textdomain and thus can serve as a fallback for any file. The array you provide should be associative, where the keys contain the text to translate, and the values contain the translation (see examples).

The function affects behavior of future __(), _x() and _n() calls, and their objected-oriented equivalents.

Available since version 3.0.154. Versions 3.0.125 to 3.0.153 can use __(true, array $values);


// Return 'Hola' when text is 'Hello' and 'Mundo' when text is 'World'
if($user->language->name == 'es') {
    'Hello' => 'Hola',
    'World' => 'Mundo'

// Setting predefined translations with context
  // would apply only to a _x('Search', 'nav'); call (context)
  'Search' => [ 'Buscar', 'nav' ]


// basic usage
$array = wireLangTranslations();

// usage with all arguments
$array = wireLangTranslations(array $values = array);


values (optional)array

Return value


Functions methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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