wireInstanceOf() function

Does given instance (or class) represent an instance of the given className (or class names)?

Since version 3.0.108 the $className argument may also represent an interface, array of interfaces, or mixed array of interfaces and class names. Previous versions did not support interfaces unless the $instance argument was an object.


// basic usage
$bool = wireInstanceOf($instance, $className);

// usage with all arguments
$bool = wireInstanceOf($instance, $className, bool $autoload = true);


instanceobject, string

Object instance to test (or string of its class name).

classNamestring, array

Class/interface name or array of class/interface names to test against.

autoload (optional)bool

Allow PHP to autoload the class? (default=true)

Return value

bool string

Returns one of the following:

  • false (bool): if not an instance (whether $className argument is string or array).
  • true (bool): if given a single $className (string) and $instance is an instance of it.
  • ClassName (string): first matching class/interface name if $className was an array of classes to test.

Functions methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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